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Frequently Asked Questions

Do S/U graded classes from the spring/summer/fall 2020 semester count for my prerequisites?
Due to the unprecedented changes to course delivery and instruction needed to accommodate higher education as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many students were allowed to choose Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U, P/F) grading for any course in which they are enrolled for the spring, summer and fall 2020 semesters. The College of Nursing will accept any prerequisite coursework that falls within these guidelines. These courses will not be calculated in the prerequisite GPA and any attempts earning an "F" or "U" will be combined with any subsequent attempts.

What is a health science center?
As the most comprehensive health science center in Texas, the Texas A&M University Health Science Center is dedicated to addressing today’s health care needs through forward-thinking medical research, service and health professions education. Impacting nearly every county in the state of Texas with education, research and outreach programs, the Texas A&M Health Science Center operates eight campuses across Texas consisting of the College of Dentistry, College of Medicine, College of Nursing, Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy and School of Public Health. This geographically dispersed, multi-disciplinary model allows for innovative team training that supports the common goal of transforming health.

What degree opportunities are available through the College of Nursing?
Review our degrees and certificates page for a complete listing of our offerings. 

Where are you located?
We currently have campuses and advising/recruiting locations in Bryan- College Station, Round Rock,  McAllen and Lufkin.

How do I become a registered nurse?
Students who complete the undergraduate program will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN®). Upon successful completion of the NCLEX-RN®, students are awarded their registered nurse (RN) license.

I already have a bachelor’s degree. How long will it take me to get my BSN?
Students with a bachelor’s degree may apply to the second-degree BSN program, which begins each January (spring term) or August (fall term). Completion of prerequisite course work is required prior to the program start date. All required nursing courses and clinical experiences will be completed in four semesters, including summer term. Upon graduation, students will be eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN®). Students with a bachelor's degree are also eligible to apply to the traditional BSN track, which begins twice per year and takes less than two years to complete five semesters.

I am still in high school. Can I apply directly to the program to enter as a college freshman?
No. This applies to high school students who may have earned college credits and/or an associate degree during the course of their high school program. Applicants must attend at least one semester at Texas A&M University in a non-nursing field of study or qualify as a transfer applicant in order to apply to the BSN program. Students attending Texas A&M may be accepted into the upper division nursing sequence as internal transfers if they meet certain requirements. Students attending other institutions must apply to the College of Nursing as external transfer students.

Is there a minimum GPA requirement to apply?
It is strongly recommended that applicants have a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) on all prerequisite coursework and a minimum grade of "C" is required in each of the prerequisite courses. For BSN applicants, both the prerequisite GPA and nursing science GPA will be considered. The courses used to calculate the nursing science GPA include mathematics, lifespan growth and development, nutrition, anatomy and physiology I and II, chemistry and microbiology. MSN students will be evaluated by their overall and last 60 hours GPA from undergraduate course work in addition to other application requirements.

How can I get an application?
The College of Nursing currently requires the NursingCAS application for all students, as well as  Apply Texas for External Transfer Students. For more information on admission requirements, visit the program track page you are interested in.

Is an entrance test required?
Yes. Traditional and second-degree BSN applicants must take the HESI A2 Admissions Assessment Exam. RN-to-BSN and MSN applicants are not required to take an entrance test.

Are letters of recommendation required?
One professional or academic reference evaluation is required for RN-to-BSN applicants, and three professional or academic reference evaluations are required for the MSN programs. Reference evaluations must be submitted through the NursingCAS application. Reference evaluations are not accepted for the traditional and second-degree BSN tracks.

What is the deadline for applications and required credentials?
NursingCAS and Apply Texas application deadlines are posted on the individual program track pages.

What are the prerequisite courses for the traditional BSN program?
Traditional prerequisites include courses in English, history, government, psychology, philosophy, math, human development, nutrition, biology, anatomy, physiology, microbiology and chemistry. For more details regarding course work, visit the prerequisite section on the tradtional BSN program page.

What are the prerequisite courses for the Second-Degree BSN program?
Second-Degree BSN prerequisites include mandatory Texas common core curriculum courses and nursing science courses in human development, math, nutrition, biology, anatomy, physiology, microbiology and chemistry. For more details regarding coursework, visit the prerequisite section on the second-degree program page.

What are the prerequisite courses for the RN-to-BSN program?
RN-to-BSN prerequisites include courses in communications, history, government, psychology, philosophy, math, human development, nutrition, biology, anatomy, physiology, microbiology and chemistry. For more details regarding coursework, visit the prerequisite section on the RN-to-BSN program page.

Do all of the prerequisite courses have to be completed before I can apply to your programs?
No, but all courses must be completed by the first class day. Students will be required to list all course work planned or in progress on the application. Acceptance offers will be contingent on successful completion of all of these courses with a grade of “C” or higher.

Do I need a minimum number of prerequisites completed when I apply?
Yes. By the application deadline, applicants must have completed a minimum of 40 prerequisite course credit hours of the 59 hours required. Of those 40, twelve (12) credit hours must be from the following Nursing Science courses: Lifespan psychology (3), nutrition (3), Texas A&M core math (3 or 4), chemistry (4), anatomy & physiology (8), and microbiology (4).

Where should I take the prerequisite courses?

Any accredited two- or four-year college or university is acceptable, but an institution with strong science departments is suggested.

Do prerequisite courses have to be completed within the past five years?

No. There is no restriction on the age of courses. However, if it has been a significant amount of time since prerequisite courses have been completed, we strongly encourage students to at least review the material, especially for nursing science courses.

Can I apply for the MSN program while completing my BSN?
Yes. Students may apply to the MSN program during the semester in which they are finishing coursework for the BSN degree as long as the degree will be conferred prior to the start of the MSN program.

Do you require a minimum number of practice years as a condition of admission to the MSN program?
No. There is no minimum number of practice years required for admission to our MSN programs; however, years of experience is considered in the selection process.

When will I be notified of my admission decision?
Spring applicants will be notified in October and fall applicants will be notified in April. Notification is electronic via the Applicant Information System (AIS) portal or via NursingCAS for internal applicants. Admission decisions and wait-list placement will not be given by email or by phone.

Will I be able to work while enrolled in the upper division curriculum?
It is possible, although highly discouraged, for traditional and second-degree students to work part-time while enrolled in the upper division curriculum. The coursework and course load in this sequence are very strenuous and require an extensive amount of study and preparation. Also, placements in clinical courses change each semester as far as days and times, which makes it difficult for students to coordinate their work schedules. If you are considering working, please speak with an academic advisor.

Can I participate in the program on a part-time basis?
Students admitted to the traditional or second-degree BSN program must be full-time students. Those admitted to the RN-to-BSN and MSN programs may have the option of choosing a full-time or part-time schedule.

If I want to attend Texas A&M to complete my prerequisite courses, what should I list as a major since nursing is not a choice?

Students may select any major at Texas A&M; however, the degree plan for the major should be flexible enough to allow the student to complete the required nursing prerequisite courses. Suggested majors include nutrition, kinesiology, psychology or sociology. Many students elect to finish a first degree before applying to the College of Nursing, so it is important to select a major that aligns with your interests and future career goals.

Can I earn the Aggie Ring if I attend the Health Science Center?
Every student who receives a Texas A&M diploma is eligible to receive an Aggie Ring. Many of our students are eligible to order, receive and wear their ring before they officially graduate. In some cases, like RN to BSN, the students will not be able to pick up their ring until they graduate and their degree is officially conferred (on commencement day). A timeline for order and delivery of rings is available on the Aggie Network website.

Am I allowed to repeat coursework to improve my grade? How will repeated courses be averaged in to my GPA?
Students may repeat a course; however, both grades earned will be used in the calculation of the GPA.

Are personal statements or essays required?
Following the review of all applications, eligible applicants will be invited to participate in an online interview and written assessment through a secondary assessment platform called Kira Talent. Applicants will be asked random behavioral or situational questions based on the Aggie Core Values.

For more information, contact an advisor in the Office of Student Affairs