Student Life
Our challenging academics, combined with a variety of student organizations and community-involvement opportunities, make life as a student at the College of Nursing an exciting and worthwhile experience.
Student Leadership Opportunities
Serving others is at the very heart of a nurse’s calling. Our students engage with the community to promote health literacy through education, events and volunteerism. Through selfless service, Aggie nurses foster collaboration, gain leadership experience and develop communication skills by supporting one another and their patients.

Student Organizations
Want to be involved? Our recognized student organizations help you gain experience and find peers with similar interests while completing your degree.
- The purpose and mission of the Aggie Military and Veteran Healthcare Alliance is to provide a university-wide community for faculty, staff, students, and alumni interested in supporting and/or promoting military healthcare initiatives.
- AMVHA will create a network for those interested in military service or supporting military healthcare by providing resources, information, personal insight, and exposure to the world of military healthcare. This organization will provide an environment for strengthening interprofessional healthcare collaboration and relationships with the goal of creating long term connections between future Aggie healthcare professionals.
- AMVHA members must attend at least 2 meetings per semester.
- The purpose of the Aggie Newborn and Obstetrics Nurses Association (ANONA) is to create an organization for student nurses with an interest and passion in Women’s Health, Labor & Delivery (L&D), Nursery, and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) specialties.
- Within this organization, it is our mission to expand nursing students’ knowledge about the field of women's health, newborn, and obstetric nursing through community service activities and networking with experienced nurses in these fields. In addition, the organization will create a space for mutual support between its members, cohorts, and campuses. The ultimate goal is to improve the health and well-being of newborns, mothers, and women in the Bryan and Round Rock communities.
- ANONA members must attend at least 2 meetings per semester.
- The purpose of APNA is to provide aspiring future pediatric nurses additional opportunities to increase their knowledge of pediatric fields and opportunities within the nursing profession, add to their experiences with children in the community as well as in health care settings, and to create a community of future pediatric nurses within the Texas A&M College of Nursing.
- Activities of APNA will include having monthly meetings with guest speakers from the field of Pediatrics, providing opportunities for service work and pediatric patient contact, researching and providing information on what you can do now to prepare for a career in pediatrics, and advice from senior pediatric nurses on how to secure a job in pediatrics.
- APNA members must attend 3 meetings per semester.
- The purpose and mission of the Big Health Event is to inspire future Aggie leaders to advance health equity in underserved populations through the development of community-based programs which improve access and address all levels of prevention. We aim to help reduce health disparities through selfless service and respect for all populations. The Big Health Event envisions communities in which all individuals achieve optimal health and well-being.
- The Big Health Event is an annual, interprofessional service-learning event that addresses health disparities in underserved populations in the surrounding communities.
- The Big Health Event members must attend at least two meetings addressing either event pre-planning or day of activities.
- The purposes of the Class Council are to enhance the educational experience by providing opportunities for networking among students, to represent the interests of students to the administration of the College of Nursing, to promote the nursing profession, to develop community outreach through service activities and to assist students in developing leadership skills.
- Class Council is encouraged to meet at least 2 times per semester.
- The purpose and mission of Men in Nursing is to provide a framework for male student nurses and faculty within the Texas A&M College of Nursing, to come together as a group and discuss the factors that shape practice, education, research, and leadership for men in the field of nursing. Our vision is to create an environment on campus that encourages future professional growth for male student nurses and demonstrates the increasing contributions being made by men within the nursing profession.
- Men in Nursing will hold monthly meetings and a service project every semester.
- The NCF chapter of Texas A&M Health Science Center exists to equip, encourage, and empower nursing students and faculty in the context of nursing school. The Purpose of Nurses Christian Fellowship is to be an organization of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord: growing in love—for God, God's Word, God's people of every ethnicity and culture and God's purposes in the world.
- NCF will hold monthly meetings. Bible study and prayer meetings may be held at different times than chapter meetings.
- The mission and purpose of SNA is to organize, represent, and mentor students preparing for initial licensure as baccalaureate level registered nurses. SNA will convey the standards and ethics of the nursing profession, promote the development of the skills that students will need as responsible and accountable members of the nursing profession, advocate for high quality health care as well as advocate for and contribute to advances in nursing education and develop nursing students who are prepared to lead the profession in the future.
- SNA is encouraged to meet 3 times per semester.
- The purpose of the SNCCO is to give students an opportunity to become immersed into critical care, to connect students with Texas A&M University campus- wide critical care resources and initiatives, to hold activities that support learning and passion of critical care, and to engage the School of Nursing community to plan for their future nursing positions.
- SNCCO will meet at least 3 times per semester.
- The purpose of SNOHW is to promote holistic wellness for nursing students, to connect students with Texas A&M University campus-wide wellness initiatives and resources, to organize and execute activities to support healthy habits, to assist students in managing and lessening the stress of nursing school, and to emphasize, encourage, and engage the College of Nursing community to make healthy choices through individual and organizational change.
- SNOHW is encouraged to meet 3 times per semester.
- The purpose of SNOHW is to promote holistic wellness for nursing students, to connect students with Texas A&M University campus-wide wellness initiatives and resources, to organize and execute activities to support healthy habits, to assist students in managing and lessening the stress of nursing school, and to emphasize, encourage, and engage the College of Nursing community to make healthy choices through individual and organizational change.
- SNOHW is encouraged to meet 3 times per semester.
- The mission of the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, is advancing world health and celebrating nursing excellence in scholarship, leadership and service. The international honor society began in 1922 and has now grown to include more than 500 chapters that are associated with university schools or colleges of nursing in 90 countries.
- On May 15, 2011, the Texas A&M College of Nursing’s Phi Iota chapter was named as a new charter chapter in Sigma Theta Tau International. The chapter is active in bringing together nursing students and professional nurses in the area. Nursing undergraduate and graduate students, as well as nursing professionals, may be inducted into the organization. Membership into Sigma Theta Tau International is by invitation.
College of Nursing Committees
Committee involvement is a great opportunity to share the voice of the student body while setting College of Nursing policies.

What should I know before applying?
Membership responsibilities include attending monthly committee meetings and additional committee work. Time commitment can range from one to five hours per month, depending on committee projects. Students from all programs and sites are encouraged to serve.
You may apply for as many committees as you wish but only serve on one standing committee. Applications open each semester.
Learn more about each committee below.
- The purpose of this committee is to lead the development, implementation, and evaluation of undergraduate curricula to ensure high quality educational programs consistent with the vision, mission, and values of the college and Texas A&M, input from the community of interest, and according to professional nursing standards, guidelines and regulations.
- The functions of this committee shall include: 1) development, review, and approval of new and/or revised undergraduate course and program proposals, 2) review, approve, and monitor curriculum-related action plans in response to TPE committee reports; 3) oversee the development, implementation, evaluation and support of IPE, clinical experiences, and simulation within undergraduate curricula, and 4) conduct regular curriculum plan reviews and mapping to ensure alignment of student learning outcomes with accreditation standards, professional nursing standards and guidelines, state regulations, and reporting requirement.
- The purpose of this committee is to lead the development, implementation, and evaluation of graduate curricula to ensure high quality educational programs consistent with the vision, mission, and values of the college and Texas A&M.
- The functions of this committee shall include: 1) development, review, and approval of new and/or revised graduate course and program proposals, 2) review, approve, and monitor curriculum-related action plans in response to TPE committee reports; 3) oversee the development, implementation, evaluation and support of IPE, clinical experiences, and simulation within graduate curricula, and 4) conduct regular curriculum plan reviews and mapping to ensure alignment of student learning outcomes with accreditation standards, professional nursing standards and guidelines, state regulations, and reporting requirement.
- The purposes of this committee are to lead the development and evaluation of student policies and conduct internal scholarship review and award processes.
- The functions of the committee shall include: 1) systematic review, update, development, and communication of student policies, including the student handbooks; 2) identify student needs and concerns related to policy, 3) establish and coordinate the internal scholarship process, consistent with Texas A&M rules and standard administrative procedures for compliance, records retention, and philosophy for award, as outlined in the Scholarship Administrator’s Resource Guide.
- Student representatives do not participate on scholarship review and selection.
- The purpose of the research committee is to serve in an advisory capacity to the Dean and Executive Council in matters involving development, support, and promulgation of the college research and scholarship enterprise.
- The functions of the committee include but are not limited to the following: 1) Contribute to the governance decisions related to research strategic planning, research related policies and procedures, allocation of resources, and evaluation of productivity 2) Identify avenues to communicate and promote nursing faculty research awards and outcomes within the Health Science Center, Texas A&M, and beyond in collaboration with the Office of Research and the Communications Manager; 3) Develop and implement activities and programs (e.g., research day, lunch and learns, etc.) to promote scholarship and share research expertise within the college and community of interest; 4) Collaborate with relevant college committees to evaluate proposed research involving nursing students as research participants, coordinate Honors Research opportunities, and nominate individuals for faculty and student awards; and 5) Review of Center and Program proposals for establishment and coordination of Center and Program periodic reviews.
- The purpose of the Student Advisory Council of Texas A&M Health is, first and foremost, to work for the betterment of Texas A&M Health Science Center. The SAC shall act as the official voice of the students of Texas A&M Health to its Senior Vice President and central administration. The delegates of the SAC shall work to educate and stimulate student involvement in student affairs across component boundaries, assist in communicating Texas A&M Health-wide issues to all students, consider matters of policy and their implications on professional and graduate education, and assist in the advancement of sound public policy as it relates to Texas A&M Health as deemed appropriate.
- The SAC shall provide representation from each of the academic components within Texas A&M Health as a whole including the Texas A&M College of Medicine, College of Nursing, Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy, School of Public Health, and College of Dentistry as well as interdisciplinary graduate programs.
- The College of Nursing shall have 1 delegate from each program: Traditional BSN, Second-Degree BSN, RN to BSN, MSN-Nursing Education, MSN-Forensic Nursing and MSN-Family Nurse Practitioner, for a total of 6 delegates to the SAC.
- The SAC shall hold meetings on a regular basis as dictated by the bylaws. Meetings will be scheduled regularly with the Senior Vice President to maintain open lines of communication.
- A special committee may be either an ad hoc committee or an advisory committee.
- An ad hoc committee is constituted for a circumscribed purpose or task. The ad hoc committee reports to the dean or dean’s designee, and the committee is disbanded at the completion of its task.
- An advisory committee is constituted to offer counsel, guidance and expertise on a specific aspect of the educational program, research, clinical practice, or the college as a whole.
College of Nursing Ambassadors
Interested in expanding your experience with the Texas A&M College of Nursing? If so, the Nursing Ambassador Program is for you. Membership is open to students who have at least two semesters remaining and are in good academic standing.
Why Should I Join?
- Opportunities to meet distinguished legislators, prominent alumni, community members and potential employers
- Gain leadership, public relations and communications skills
- Participate in the planning of college recruiting events, team-building activities and social media marketing tactics that will serve you well after graduation
- Letter of recommendation from the College of Nursing dean during your final semester in the program
- College of Nursing Ambassador polo shirt
If interested in joining, email Vanessa Breslin or call 512.341.4968 for additional information and a nursing ambassador application packet.

- Texas A&M College of Nursing Ambassadors serve as official student representatives for college recruitment activities, former student and community events, ceremonies and special events. During prospective student visits and other school events, ambassadors lead tours of the Clinical Learning Resource Center.
- Ambassadors must commit to a minimum of 12 hours in school activities each semester.
- Selection is through a competitive application process.
Additional Resources
Whether you are a prospective or current student, we are here to help. Learn more about our degree options, our campus locations and more.
Learn more about life as a nursing student
As a prospective or current student, our team of faculty and staff are here to help. Learn more about our degree options, our campus locations, interprofessional training opportunities and more.