Cassandra Moffitt, PhD(c), MSN, RN, CDCES, CNE

Clinical Assistant Professor
Curriculum Vitae
Campus/location: Round Rock
3950 North A.W. Grimes Blvd.
Round Rock,
Phone: 512.341.4942
Education and Training
- The University of Texas at Tyler, PhD, Nursing, In Progress
- The University of Texas at Tyler, MSN, Nursing Education, 2017
- Texas Woman's University, BSN, 2006
Professional Certifications
- Registered Nurse, Texas, July 2024-2026, Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) Effective Teaching Practices, 2024
- Certified Nurse Educator, National League for Nursing
- Basic/Advanced Cardiac Life Support, January 2022-January 2024
- Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES), 2010-present
- Stop the Bleed Certified Trainer, 2019-present
- TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer, 2020-present
Research Interests
- Respite care in adolescents with type 1 diabetes
- Diabulimia
- Success in the school setting with chronic medical conditions
- Chronic disease management in children
- Diabetes technology
Teaching Interests
- Pediatrics
- Diabetes education
- Critical care/adult health
- Pharmacology and interprofessional education
Awards, Recognition and Service
- Texas A&M University Association of Former Students' Distinguished Achievement College-Level Teaching Award, 2024
- Education Lead, Texas Coordinating Body of Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists, 2024-present
- Recognized, Texas A&M Veteran Resource and Support Center, 2024
- Texas A&M College of Nursing DAISY Award Nominee, 2021-2024
- National Society for Leadership and Success, 2022
- Herbert C. Buie and Melvina Buie Presidential Scholarship, 2021-2022
- Herbert C. Buie and Melvina Buie Presidential Scholarship, 2021-2022
- Herbert C. Buie and Melvina Buie Presidential Scholarship, 2021
- Texas A&M School of Nursing DAISY Award Nominee, 2021
- Austin American Statesman, Best in Class-Nursing, Top Seven Finalist, 2017
- Ella Kate and Ralston Wallace Endowment, 2016
- Austin ISD School Nurse of the Year, 2014
- National League for Nursing, 2024-present
- American Nurses Association, 2017-present
- Texas Nurses Association, 2017-present
- Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists, 2009-present
- Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society, 2016-present
Representative Publications
Podium Presentations
Wells-Beede, E., Mulcahy, A., Pittman, A., Moffitt, C., Han, G., Thai, L., & Seo, J. H. (2023). Increasing Nursing Access Across Population with Technology in Simulation (INPACTS): Pediatric virtual reality simulation. International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) 2023 Conference. Providence, RI (June, 2023).
Wells-Beede, E., Mulcahy, A., Pittman, A., Moffitt, C., Seo, J. H., Thai, L. (2023). Pediatric VR simulation for the management of DKA in the school setting. International Pediatric Simulation Society (IPSS) IPSSW 2023 Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. (May, 2023).
National Conference/Organization Presentations
Moffitt, C. F. (2023, July 10-14). Thinking like a nurse in 5-4-3-2-1. Poster presentation presented at Nurse Educator Conference in the Rockies, Breckenridge, CO
Kaunas, C. L., Carrino, G. E., Chapa, H., Moffitt, C. F., Pittman, A. F., North, F., Abu-Baker, A., & Milman, R. (2022, September 13-14). Developing meaningful and flexible interprofessional values & ethics curriculum. Nexus Summit, Virtual/Minneapolis, MN
Moffitt, C. (2020, November 2-5). Success in school with type 1 diabetes [Conference workshop]. Podium presentation presented at Pediatric Endocrine Nurses’ Society National Conference, San Antonio, TX, United States.
Regional Conference/Organization Presentations
Moffitt, C. (2024). The school nurse as the leader of the charge in diabetes care. Region 7 School Nurse Conference, Tyler, TX
Moffitt, C. (2015). Success in school with diabetes. Podium presentation presented to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Type 1 Nation Summit, Dallas, TX
Moffitt, C. (2014). Success in school with diabetes. Podium presentation presented to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Type 1 Nation Summit, Austin, TX
State and Local Conference/Organization Presentations
Moffitt, C. F. (2023, October 4-6). Trial outside the courtroom: A simulation to promote excellence. Texas Conference on Student Success, College Station, TX
Mauldin, B. L., & Moffitt, C. F. (2022, October 19-21). Transforming nursing student mindset beyond the grade to practice. Poster presentation presented at Texas Conference on Student Success, College Station, TX
Moffitt, C. (2018). Alternate caregiver training. Podium presentation presented to Longview Type One, Longview, TX
Moffitt, C. (2017). Success in school with diabetes. Podium presentation presented to Longview Type One, Longview, TX
Moffitt, C. (2013). Continuous glucose monitoring in the school setting. Podium presentation presented to Austin Independent School District Student Health Services, Austin, TX