Clinical Assistant Professor
Curriculum Vitae
Campus/location: Bryan-College Station
8441 John Sharp Pkwy
Suite 1400
Phone: 979.436.0155
Education and Training
- University of St. Thomas - Houston, DNP, in progress, expected graduation May 2024
- Western Governors University, MSN, 2015
- Western Governors University, BSN, 2014
- Royal Alexandra Hospitals School of Nursing, RN, 1992
Professional Certifications
- Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator (CHSE), certified by Society for Simulation in Healthcare
- Certified Adolescent/Adult SANE (SANE-A), certified by the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN)
- Certified Pediatric SANE (SANE-P), certified by the IAFN
- Advanced Forensic Nurse – Certified (AFN-C), certified by the Forensic Nursing Certification Board
Research Interests
- Child abuse and neglect
- Sexual assault
- Human trafficking
- Interpersonal violence
- Trauma-informed, person-centered care
- Evidence collection
Teaching Interests
- Child abuse and neglect
- Sexual assault
- Interpersonal violence
- Human trafficking
- Trauma-informed, person-centered care
- Evidence collection
- Resiliency in nursing
Awards, Recognition and Service
- Belle of Steel, 2023
- DF-AFN - Distinguished Fellow, Academy of Forensic Nursing, 2022
- The Daisy Award® for Extraordinary Nurses, Nurse educator nominee, 2020
- #Shedidthat, Western Governors University & Lifetime Network, 2019
- Community Partner of the Year Award, Brazos Valley Sexual Assault Resource Center (with Texas A&M University School of Nursing Forensic Health Care Program, 2017
- Scientific Assembly Grant, International Association of Forensic Nurses, 2011
- Edith Rust Medical Services Award of Excellence, Texas Association Against Sexual Assault, 2011
- American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC)
- American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Forensic Nursing Section
- The National Society of Leadership and Success
- Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH)
- Forensic Nursing Certification Board (FNCB)
- American Nurses Association (ANA)
- Texas Nurses Association (TNA)
- Academy of Forensic Nursing (AFN)
- National League for Nursing (NLN)
- International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN)
- Sigma Theta Tau, Psi Iota chapter and Phi Iota chapter member
Representative Publications
Book Chapters
Sanchez, R. V., Charles, L., Silva, K. & Speck, P. M. (2022). Chapter 31: Human Trafficking. Overview of Forensic Nursing Principles and Practice. Florissant, Mo: STM Learning, Inc.
Charles, L. (2022). Introduction to Forensic Nursing: Principles and Practice. In Faugno, D.K., Mitchell, S.A., Sievers, V., Pederson, S., Volz, J, & Speck, P.M. STM Learning: St. Louis, MO ISBN-13: 978-953119-07-0
Charles, L. (2018). Sexual assault evidence collection techniques. In Mozayani, A., & Parish-Fisher, C. (Eds.). Forensic evidence management: From the crime scene to the courtroom, 43-54. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. ISBN-13: 978-1498777186
State Practice Protocol
Charles, L., Mitchell, S.A., Amaya, C., Eddleman, S., Larsen, T., Loewen, N., ... & Ward, K. (2019, August). Texas evidence collection protocol. Texas A&M University & Texas Attorney General: Bryan, TX. Retrieved from
Journal Articles
Mitchell, S., Seo, J., Charles, L., & Wells-Beede, E. (2023). Incorporating virtual reality simulation to conduct a sexual assault examination. Journal of Interactive Learning Research.
Charles, L., Escue, J., & Mitchell, S.A. (2023). Mock testimony simulation: An innovative teaching methodology for forensic nurses and prosecuting attorneys. Medicine, Science, and the Law.
Gary, J.C., Charles, L., & Mitchell, S.A. (2023). Sexual assault nurse examiner needs in Texas. Journal of Forensic Nursing.
Charles, L., Mitchell, S.A., Larsen, T., Dillahunty, A., Casey, B., DeLeon, M., Fears, R., Hughes, N., Parkus, D., Ruda, M., Loewen, N., ... & Ward, K. (2022). Texas evidence collection protocol. Texas A&M University Center of Excellence in Forensic Nursing & Texas Attorney General's Office.
Mitchell, S.A., Charles, L., & Downing, N. (2022). Increasing access to forensic nursing services in rural and underserved areas of Texas. Journal of Forensic Nursing.
Charles, L. (2003). Acute care of the pediatric sexual assault patient. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 25(3), 229-232.
Jones, J., Crisalfi, D., Charles, L., & Spitznagle, L. (2021, January 11). (In)visibility of human trafficking [Facebook Live]. Texas A&M Health Promotions. Retrieved from
Jones, J., Crisalfi, D., Charles, L., Brunson, K., Downing, N., & Santerre-Ruble, A. (2020, October 7). Community conversations; Relationship violence & COVID-19 [Facebook Live]. Texas A&M Health Promotions. Retrieved from
Charles, L. & Low, M. (2020, January 10). Human trafficking: A WGU graduates’ experience with the trafficking of humans [Podcast]. Retrieved from
Charles, L. (2019, May 24). Everyone’s role in fighting human trafficking. Texas A&M Health Talk [Podcast]. Retrieved from
Charles, L. Raja., S. & Taylor, R. (2019, December 10). Texas Association of Community Health Centers sexual assault trauma-informed care (TIC) TIC-Talk [Podcast]. In press.
Sheridan, D., Downing, N., & Charles, L. (2016, September 13). Basic evidence collection in the emergency department. [Video lecture series]. Bryan, TX.
Online/Print/News Media
Charles, L. (2019, April 11). Child abuse: It is everyone’s business. Vital Record. Retrieved from
Witte, K. & Charles, L. (2018, August 22). How a forensic nurse learned to spot human trafficking. KBTX [News story]. Retrieved from
Charles, L. (2018, August 20). You don’t have to look far to find human trafficking victims. The Conversation. Retrieved from