Matt F. Hoffman, DNP, APRN, FNP-C

Assistant Dean for Distant Site-Round Rock
Clinical Associate Professor
Texas A&M Faculty Senator
Curriculum Vitae
Campus/location: Round Rock
3950 North A.W. Grimes Blvd
Round Rock,
Phone: 512.341.4974
Education and Training
- University of Iowa, DNP, Family Practice, 2016
- Texas A&M University School of Nursing, BSN, 2010
- Stephen F. Austin State University, BA, Communications-Journalism, 2004
Professional Certifications
- Registered Nurse (Texas, 2011-Present)
- Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (Texas, 2016-Present)
- American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Family Nurse Practitioner (6/2016-6/2021)
- American Heart Association, BLS Provider
- Merck, Nexplanon Trained Provider (2014-Present)
Research Interests
- Neurology
- Stroke prevention and post-stroke care
- Neuroscience of mental disorders
- Nursing informatics
- Health care policy, law and advocacy
- LGBTQ health needs and inequities
Teaching Interests
- Primary care
- Adult health nursing
Awards, Recognition and Service
- Daisy Foundation, Daisy Faculty Nominee, 2019
- Daisy Foundation, Daisy Faculty Award, 2017
- St. Joseph Foundation Values in Action Award, 2013
- Texas A&M Health Science Center Nursing Legacy Award, 2013
- St. Joseph Foundation Champion of Care Award, 2012
- American Association of Nurse Practitioners, Member; 2015-Present
- National League for Nursing, Member; 2014-Present
- National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, Member; 2018-Present
- Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Member, 2014-Present; Gamma Chapter: 2014-Present; Phi Iota Chapter: 2017-Present; Secretary: 2017-2019
- Texas Nurse Practitioners Association, Legacy Member, 2016-Present; President’s Advisory Council, 2017-2019
- Aggie Ally, Workshop Facilitator; 2017-Present
- Step In Stand Up, Workshop Facilitator; 2017-Present
- Brazos Valley Nurse Practitioner Association, Member, 2012-Present; President: 2017-2019
Representative Publications
- Owens, C., Brandenburg, D., Grant, M.J., Roan, K., Hoffman, M.F., & Hubach, R.D. (2023). Parental Concerns of Their Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents Using HIV Pre- Exposure Prophylaxis. AIDS Education and Prevention (35)1.
- Hoffman, M.F. (2015). Use of Policy Models in Nursing. 2015 American Academy of Nursing Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference, Washington, DC.
- Hoffman, M.F. (2013). The Affordable Care Act (ACA): Nurses in the midst of change. Texas A&M University School of Nursing Sigma Theta Tau, Phi Iota Chapter, Bryan, TX.
- Keys, V.A., Hoffman, M.F., Bilbo-Swanz, M. (2013). Innovative learning strategies – Bridging the distance from classroom learning to clinical application. Texas A&M University School of Nursing, Bryan, TX.
- Hoffman, M.F. (2012). International stroke conference update – Interdisciplinary approach to stroke care. St. Joseph Regional Health Center, Bryan, TX.
- Clodfelter, A., Turnbow, S., & Hoffman, M.F. (2010). Tuberculosis: Impact of a community investigation. Texas A&M University School of Nursing, Bryan, TX.