Clinical Professor
Director of Texas A&M Health Center of Excellence in Forensic Nursing
MSN-Forensic Nursing Program Coordinator
Graduate Certificate in Forensic Health Care Program Coordinator
Curriculum Vitae
Campus/location: Bryan-College Station
8441 John Sharp Pkwy
Phone: 979.436.0283
Education and Training
- Texas A&M University, MEd, 2021
- University of Phoenix, MBA, 2011
- University of Tennessee Health Science Center, DNP, 2006
- University of Virginia, MSN, 1996
- Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University, BSN, 1990
Professional Certifications
- Registered Nurse, State of Texas
- Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner-Adult/Adolescent (SANE-A)
- Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner-Pediatrics (SANE-P)
- Fellow, American Academy of Nursing (FAAN)
- Distinguished Fellow, Academy of Forensic Nursing (DF-AFN)
Research Interests
- Use of simulation in forensic nursing education
- Quality and patient safety improvements in forensic nursing care
- Program development and evaluation
- Violence and trauma
Teaching Interests
- Forensic nursing
- Death investigation
- Organizational and transformational leadership
- Expert witness testimony and consulting
Awards, Recognition and Service
- Bronze Medalist, Good Samaritan Foundation, September 2018
- Women of Distinction Award. Honored by The Bridge Over Troubled Waters; July 2016
- Virginia A. Lynch Pioneer in Forensic Nursing. Honored by International Association of Forensic Nurses; October 2015
- Top 20 Outstanding Nurses. Honored by Texas Nurses’ Association District 9; November 2014
- Professional of the Year, 2014. Honored by Child Advocates of Fort Bend; December 2014
- Forensic Nursing Certification Board (FNCB), President and Founding Board of Director: August 2018 - Present
- Academy of Forensic Nursing, Distinguished Fellow, Founding Board of Director: August 2018 - Present
- American Academy of Forensic Science, Approved for Membership: February 2018 - Present
- American Academy of Nursing, Inducted October 2017
- National League of Nursing, April 2017 - Present
- American Nurses Association, 2015 - Present
- American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants, 2013 – Present; Educational Institution Task Force - 2018
- American Society of Healthcare Risk Managers, 2013 - Present
- Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society in Nursing, Beta Kappa Chapter, 1995 - Present
- International Association of Forensic Nurses, Lifetime Member, 1993 – Present
Representative Publications
Peer-Reviewed Publications (*Student mentee)- Speck, P.M, Mitchell, S.A., Ekroos, R.A., Sanchez, R.V., Hillfinger-Messias, D.K. (2018). Policy brief on the nursing response to human trafficking. Nursing Outlook, 66(4), p. 407-411.
- Speck, P.M., Faugno, D.K., Ekroos, R.A, Hallman, M.E., Childs, G.D., Smith, T.S., Mitchell, S.A. (2018). Domestic violence. In Fitzpatrick, J.J., Alfes, C.M., Hickman, R.L. (2018). A Guide to Mastery in Clinical Nursing: The Comprehensive Reference. New York: Springer Publishing Company, LLC.
- Faugno, D.K., Mitchell, S., Ingram-Jones, T., Speck, P.M. (2018). Adolescent and adult sexual assault assessment (2nd edition). St. Louis: STM Learning, Inc.
- Mattox, K.L., Mitchell, S.A. (2017). Trauma, medicine, and the law. In Moore, E.E., Feliciano, D.V., Mattox, K.L. (2017). Trauma. 8th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Education/Medical Publishing.
- Williams, J, Mitchell, SA, Patten, S. (2017). Interdisciplinary death investigation. In Child Abuse: Quick Reference (3rd edition). St. Louis: STM Learning, Inc.
- Mitchell, S., Contributor to Faugno, D.K., Trujillo, A.C., Bachmeier, B.A., Speck, P.M. (2017). Manual nonfatal strangulation assessment for health care providers and first responders. St. Louis: STM Learning, Inc.
- Mitchell, S., Drake, S. (2016). Death investigation. In Amar, A.F., Sekula, L.K. A Practical Guide to Forensic Nursing. Indianapolis: Sigma Theta Tau.
- Mitchell, S., Faugno, D., Evanson, T. (2014). Laboratory findings, diagnostic texting, and forensic specimens in cases of child sexual abuse. In Clements, P.T., Burgess, A.W., Fay-Hillier, T.M. Giardino, E.R., Giardino, A.P. Nursing Approach to the Evaluation of Child Maltreatment. 2nd edition. St. Louis: STM Learning, Inc.
- Mitchell, S. (2013). Death investigation and the forensic nurse. In Constantino, R.E., Crane, P.A., Young, S.E. Forensic Nursing: Evidence-Based Principles and Practice. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.
- Mitchell, S. (2012). Contributor to: Faugno, D.K., Copeland, R.A., Crum, J.L., Speck, P.M. (2012). Entry-Level Adolescent and Adult Sexual Assault Assessment: SANE/SAFE Forensic Learning Series. St. Louis: STM Learning, Inc.
- Mitchell, S. Contributor to: Faugno, D.K., Copeland, R.A., Crum, J.L., Speck, P.M. (2012). Intermediate-Level adolescent and Adult Sexual Assault Assessment: SANE/SAFE Forensic Learning Series. St. Louis: STM Learning, Inc.
- Mitchell, S. Contributor to: Faugno, D.K., Copeland, R.A., Crum, J.L. Speck, P.M. (2012). Advanced-Level Adolescent and Adult Sexual Assault Assessment: SANE/SAFE Forensic Learning Series. St. Louis: STM Learning, Inc.
- Mattox, K., Mitchell, S. (2013). Trauma, medicine, and the law. In Mattox, K.L., Moore, E.E., Feliciano, D.V. (2013). Trauma. New York: McGraw Hill Medical Publishing.
- Mitchell, S.A. (2011). Intrafamilial homicide and unexplained childhood deaths. In Lynch, V.A., Barber Duval, J. Forensic Nursing Science. 2nd edition. St. Louis: Elsevier.