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Mission, Vision and Values


The mission of the College of Nursing is to educate professional nurses of today and leaders of tomorrow through the provision of excellent educational programs in nursing. The college will identify, attract and graduate students of high potential, especially those from groups who have been historically under-represented in Texas health care.

Furthermore, this mission will facilitate individuals, families and groups in achieving the maximum state of well-being through education of highly skilled nurses, research and service. The mission of the college will be enhanced through faculty contributions to community service, leadership, practice and research.



Our vision is to be a premier college of nursing and to educate and empower a diverse population of nurse leaders who will transform health and health systems through service, discovery and knowledge.



The College of Nursing's vision and goals embody the Aggie core values of Respect, Excellence, Leadership, Loyalty, Integrity and Selfless Service. Standing on these values, we strive for a culture of respect and integrity through shared governance and transparency, and appreciation for diversity and interprofessional collaboration.


Strategic Plan

Read our 2021-2026 Strategic Plan



The philosophy of the College of Nursing reflects our beliefs about the role and the education of the professional nurse. This philosophy represents a blend of nursing theories.


Professional Nursing Practice Philosophy

Nursing is a balance of both art and science. The art of nursing involves the concepts of caring that foster respectful relationships and individual dignity and worth. The science of nursing is supported through inquiry, research and other scholarly activities, and is manifested by evidence-based practice.

The professional nurse is a partner and an advocate for the health care consumer in an increasingly diverse and aging population. Professional nursing provides culturally competent care to individuals, families and groups within their environments. Care of the physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs is essential to the promotion, protection and maintenance of health.

The professional nurse functions in the roles of provider of care, coordinator of care and contributor to the profession. Care is provided in and across all settings and health care systems, and uses a number of treatment modalities. As a provider of care, the nurse contributes a unique blend of knowledge, skill and caring. As a coordinator of care, the nurse has the knowledge and authority to delegate nursing tasks to other health care personnel and to supervise patient care outcomes. As a member of the profession, the nurse conforms to the laws and code of ethics governing professional standards of nursing practice. In all these roles, the professional nurse accepts personal responsibility for lifelong learning.


Professional Nursing Education Philosophy

Nursing education is a collaborative process among students, faculty and the learning environment. It draws from the fields of physical and social science and liberal arts to support the acquisition of knowledge and skills essential for nurses to meet client, family, organization and system needs. Course and clinical experiences throughout the curriculum are designed from simple to complex, beginning with foundational courses in liberal arts and sciences which are then built upon in nursing classes.