2023 Research Annual Report
Research and scholarship continue to grow and expand the School of Nursing, driven by creative and innovative nurse scientists; grant and contract support from many federal, state, and private sponsors; and leadership and investment from the school, Texas A&M Health, and The Texas A&M University System. Key metrics in assessing research productivity include the amount of extramural grant funding received annually, yearly research expenditures, and the number of peer-reviewed publications and professional presentations.

During fiscal year 2023, over 60 proposals were submitted with over $10 million in new annual funding received. FY2023 sponsored research, outreach, and education funding expenditures exceeded $6 million, reflecting the rapid upward trajectory in sponsored activities. As shown in Figure 1, sponsored research, service, and outreach have continued to increase significantly over the past seven years. Faculty research scholarship included over 150 journal articles, books, chapters, and professional presentations.
Faculty have successfully developed, implemented, and launched a variety of new programs and initiatives during the calendar year. A full listing is included in the project section of the report. However, among these newly funded projects include the following:
- CHAMPions (Community Hands Advancing Maternal Health Promotion), a five-year, $2.28 million grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) under the direction of principal investigator Dr. Robin Page to address maternal health disparities in underserved areas of south Texas.
- NexSTEP (Nurse-led Expanded Substance Use Disorder Training and Education Program), a five-year, $2.58 million award from HRSA under the direction of PI Dr. Nicole Kroll, to expand integrated behavioral health services through interprofessional family nurse practitioner-led primary care clinics.
- POPSS (Partnership & Opportunities for Adolescent Health Preparation, Support, and Services), a five-year, over $7 million award from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under the direction of lead PI Dr. Kelly Wilson (nursing) and co-PI Dr. Whitney Garney (Texas A&M School of Public Health).
- SAFE TEaMS (Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner Training Education and Mentoring Support), an award from Indian Health Services, under the direction of PI Dr. Stacey Mitchell, to provide medical forensic training, education, and technical assistance across IHS.
Dr. Muna Bhattarai Each year, the school recognizes outstanding nurse scientists for their contributions to the advancement of nursing research through a number of awards. These include the Dean’s Best Paper Award and the Dean’s Research Excellence Award. The school's Dean’s Best Paper Award recognizes a faculty member for an outstanding peer-reviewed publication on a study or topic that was published in the last year in a highly regarded journal. The selected paper advances knowledge of health, quality of life, nursing science, or nursing education and is aligned with the scholarly agenda of the faculty member. Dr. Muna Bhattarai won the 2023 award for her peer-reviewed article, A Qualitative Study of Coping Strategies in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Rehabilitation Psychology, 28(1), 25-31.
The Dean’s Research Excellence Award recognizes one outstanding faculty member for exemplary accomplishments across their research and scholarship portfolio. Dr. Jane Bolin received the 2023 award, recognizing her portfolio of work spanning more than two decades in rural and health policy research, chronic disease management, and cancer prevention, education, and outreach. Bolin served as the school's associate dean for research from 2018 through 2022, nurturing and cultivating research partnerships, advancing scholarship, and providing research mentorship to faculty, staff, and students. She serves as PI, co-PI, and co-investigator of many multi-million dollar grants from federal, state, and local sponsors.
Sponsored Projects
- Advanced Nurse Education—Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program (SANE): TX-SANEs for the Rural and Underserved (Tex SANEs R Us). Funding Source (2018-2021): Health Resources and Services Administration. PD: Mitchell, A. and Co-Ds: Downing, N.R. & Charles, L.A. Amount: $1,527,997.
- Advanced Nurse Education—Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program (SANE) Competitive Renewal: TX-SANEs for the Rural and Underserved (Tex SANEs R Us II). Funding Source (2018-2021): Health Resources and Services Administration. PD: Mitchell, A. and Co-Ds: Gary, J., Charles, L.A., Wells-Beede, E., and Seo, H.S. Amount: $1,536,682.
- ASCEND Leadership Fellow. Funding Source (2023-2024): Texas A&M Office of the President. PI: Gary, J. Amount: $75,000.
- Cancer Survivorship Curriculum Consultation, Cancer Prevention and Control Programs for State, Territorial, and Tribal Organizations. Funding Source (2023-2025): Texas Department of State Health Services. PI: Brandford, A., Bolin, J. Amount: $119,000.
- Center for Optimizing Rural Health (CORH). Funding Source (2018-2023): Heath Resources and Services Administration. PDs: Dickey, , Watzak, B. & Bolin, J.N. Amount: $4,000,000.
- Coaching for Quality in Texas Forensic Nursing Programs. Funding Source (2022-2024): Office of the Governor of the State of Texas. PI: Mitchell, S.A. and Co-I: Charles, L. Amount: $294,911.
- Community Hands Advancing Maternal Health Promotion (CHAMPions). Funding Source (2023-2028): Maternal and Child Health Bureau, DHHS Health Resources and Services Administration. PI: Page, R., Co-Is: Downing, D., Han, G., & Wilson, K. Amount: $2,282,399.
- Comprehensive Healthcare for Adolescents Initiative. Funding Source (2021-2024): DHHS Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health, Office of Population Affairs. Co-PIs: Wilson, K. & Garney, W. Amount: $5,873,893.
- Leveraging Texas C-STEP’s Robust Rural Partnerships for Successful Expansion of its Proven Colorectal Cancer Screening Program to Include HCV Screening. Funding Source (2022-2026): Texas Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT). PIs: McKnight, J., & Pope, R. Co-Is: Williamson, & Bolin, J., Vargas, S. Amount: $2,499,968.
- Discrimination, Medical Mistrust, and Associated Failure to Undergo Cancer Screening in a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Sample. Funding Source (2022-2024): Houston Methodist Neal Cancer Center (HMNCC) and Office of Community Outreach and Engagement (COE). PD: Brandford, A., Bolin, J. Amount: $50,000.
- EMARTT - Enhanced Maternity Access through Reimagined Training and Telemedicine (2021-2026): Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). PI: Adams, R.; Co-Is: Bray, A., Chapa, H., Lichorad, A., McCord, C., Neal, G., Page, R., & Pope, R. Amount: $2,998,258.
- Evaluation of Using the Connect: A Game-Based Intervention for Adolescent Health. Funding Source (2021-2026): DHHS Administration for Children and Families (PREIS). PI: Wilson, K. Amount: $4,341,660.
- Expanding Medication Assisted Treatment. Funding Source (2021-2023): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) (Prime), Subaward from Bluebonnet Trails Community Services. PI: Weston, C. Amount: 300,000.
- Expansion of Cancer Prevention Services to Rural and Medically Underserved Populations. Funding Source (2020-2024): Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT). PIs: Lichorad, A. & Co-Is: Vargas, S., Bolin, J., Hare, M., Page, R., & O’Briant, D. Amount: $1,656,478.
- Exploring the Potential of Rehabilitating Healthcare Providers Prosecuted for Fraud & Abuse. Funding Source (2020-2023): Texas A&M University Triads for Transformation (T3) Program. PIs. Bolin, J.N., Fahrenwald, N. & Opperman, L., Akinlotan, M., & Ferdinand, A. Amount: $30,000.
- Golden Crescent Recovery Oriented Community Collaborative (GC-ROCC). Funding Source (2020-2024): Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Rural Communities Opioid Response Program-Implementation (RCORP-I). PDs: Bolin, J.N., Downing, N., & Gary, J.C. and Co-PIs: Ontai, S., Pittman, A., Alonzo, J., & McCord, C. Amount: $1,000,000.
- Golden Crescent Children’s Advocates for Recovery Equity (GC-CARE). Funding Source (2020-2024): Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Rural Communities Opioid Response Program-Neonatal Abstinence (RCORP-NAS). PDs: Downing, N., Gary, J.C., and Bolin, J.N. and Co-Is: Dormire, S., Ontai, S., Page, R.L., Pittman, A., & McCord, C. Amount: $500,000.
- Golden Crescent Management of Opioid Risk in Mothers (GC-MOMS). Funding Source (2023-2026): Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Rural Communities Opioid Response Program-Neonatal Abstinence (RCORP-NAS II). PI: Page, R. Co-PI: Downing, N., Co-Is: McCord, C., Clark, H. & Wilson, K. Amount: $1,500,000.
- Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youth (HIPPY), Texas Home Visitor Program. Funding Source (2022-2027): State of Texas. PI: Page, R. and Co-Is: Downing, N., Clark, H., and Simmons, K. Amount: $2,817,490.
- Impact of Diet and the Food Environment on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Funding Source: Texas A&M Health Science Center and Driscoll Childrens Hospital Global Institute of Hispanic Health (GIHH) (2023-2024). PIs: Bloom., R. and Vanden Brink, H. Amount: $50,000.
- Increasing Accessibility to Smoking Cessation and Lung Cancer Screening. Funding Source (2021-2024): Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT). PD: McKnight, J. and Co-Is: Colwell, B., Callaghan, T., and Brandford, A., Amount: $999,947.
- Increasing Nursing Access Across Populations with Technology in Simulation (INPACTS) (2021-2023). Funding Source: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). PI: Wells-Beede, E. Co-Is: Mulcahy, A., Van, S., Seo, J., & Han, G. Amount: $500,000.
- Leveraging Innovative Technology to Improve Maternal & Child Health Outcomes. Funding Source (2022-2024): Texas A&M Health Seedling Program. PD: Page, R. and Co-Is: Han, G. & Downing, N. Amount: $300,000.
- Longitudinal Investigation of the Cerebellum in Adulthood: Anatomical and Network Changes, Motor Function, and Cognition. Funding Source (2019-2025), National Institutes of Health (R01). PIs: Bernard, , Alexander-Packard, G., Dormire, S.L., Engelen, M. & Sang, H. Amount: $3,071,288.
- Novel Text-Messaging Follow-Up Services to Improve Outcomes after Sexual Assault. Funding Source (2021-2023): Texas A&M Health Seedling Program. PD: Downing, N. Amount: $214,893.
- Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP). Funding Source (2019-2024): Health Resources and Services Administration. PD: Matthews, D.W. Amount: $115,397.
- Nurse Family Partnership® at Texas A&M School of Nursing (NFP). Funding Source (2021-2026): State of Texas. PI: Page, R.L. and Co-Is: Weston, C., Pittman, A., Downing, N., Clark, H., and Simmons, K. Amount: $3,701,435.
- Nurse Family Partnership® at Texas A&M School of Nursing (NFP). Funding Source (2022-2025): The National Service Office for Nurse- Family Partnership and Child First. PI: Page, R.L. Amount: $900,000.
- Nurse-led Collaborative Integrated Behavioral Health Rural Network (N-CIBHR). Funding Source: (2020-2023), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). PI: Kroll, N. Weston, C. and Co-Is: Hare, M., Page, R.L., & Wells-Beede, E. Amount: $1,500,000.
- Nurse-led Expanded Substance Use Disorder Training and Education Program (NExSTEP) Funding Source (2023-2028): Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
PI: Kroll, N., Weston, C. Co-Is: Seo, J., Sorenson, M., Wells-Beede, E., & Bruce, C. Amount: $2,583,572. - Nursing in the Puerperium: A Virtual Home Visiting Intervention for Women at Risk for Severe Maternal Morbidity and Mortality. Funding Source (2021-2023): 2021 Panther Research and Innovation for Scholarly Excellence (PRISE) Grant. Amount: $20,000. Co-PIs: Rose, G., Page, R., & Weston, C. Amount: $30,000.
- Open Educational Resource for Nursing (OER). Funding Source (2023-2024): Texas A&M Academic Affairs Open Educational Resource Grant Program. PIs: Hoffman, M. and Mauldin, B. AmountAmount: 54,000.
- Physical Activities,Screening, and Education (PASE) fora Healthy Community. Funding Source (2023): Community Solutions Williamson County and Cities Health District. PIs: Huang, A. & Bloom, R. Amount: $46,368.
- POPSS: Partnership & Opportunities for Adolescent Health Preparation, Support, and Services. Funding Source (2023-2028): Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. PIs: Wilson, K. & Garney, W. Amount: $7.4M.
- PRISE- Examining Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Resilience, and Post-Traumatic Growth in College Students with Disabilities During COVID-19 Pandemic. Funding Source (2022-2023): 2022 Panther Research and Innovation for Scholarly Excellence (PRISE) Grant PIs: Bhattarai, M. & Spears, B. Amount: $20,000.
- PRISE-Understanding Mechanisms of Mental Health Response Intervention among HBCU Students and Future Emerging Public Health Workforce (2023-2024): Panther Research and Innovation for Scholarly Excellence (PRISE) 2023. PIs: McDonald, A. & Wilson, K. Amount: $40,000.
- Project REFRESHD: Developing a Culturally Tailored Digital Human for Cancer Prevention and Control to Reduce Patient Perceptions of Bias and Increase Medical Trust. Funding Source (2022-2024): Texas A&M Health Seedling Program. PI: Bloom, R., Brandford, A. and Co-Is: Bolin, J. & Benden, M. Amount: $145,000.
- Protective Factors Against Stress and Preterm Birth in Pregnant African Funding source (2018-2023): Texas A&M University PESCA Program. PI: Page, R.L. and Co-Is: McKee, S.J., Taylor, B., Trzeciakowski, J. & Neal, G. Amount: $25,000.
- RECALL-SONIC: Recognition of Emerging Conditions Learning Lab with Schools of Nursing Inter-university Consortium. Funding Source (2022-2024): The Kleberg Foundation through Houston Methodist Research Institute. PI: O'Briant, D., Weston, C. Co-Is: Mulcahy, A., Sasangohar, F., & Wells-Beede, E. Amount: $544,285.
- Restrictions to Nurse Practitioners Practice and the Impact on Texas Health Care. Funding Source (2022-2023): Texas Nurse Practitioner Foundation. PD: Bolin, J.N., Cline, K. Amount: $20,000.
- Rural Communities Opioid Response Program—Golden Crescent-Psychostimulant Support (GC-PS). Funding Source (2022-2025): Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Rural Communities Opioid Response Program. PD: Gary, J. and Co-Is: Downing, N., Alonzo, J., & McCord, C. Amount: $500,000.
- Safe Mothers in Texas. Funding Source (2022-2025): Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH). PI: Mitchell, S.A., and Co-Is: Gary, J., Page, R., & Clark, H. Funding Amount: $1,810,278.
- Saving Babies Born with Birth Defects: Crafting Epigenetic Risk Scores to Reduce Racial Disparity in Mortality: Funding Source (2021-2025): Presidential Excellence X Grant. PI: Morris, T.; Co-Is: Page, R., Sinha, S., Ferdinand, A., Choudhury, M., Ayres, P. Amount: $325,000.
- Sexual Assault Evidence Collection. Funding Source (2019-2025): Texas Office of the Attorney General. PI: Mitchell, A. and Co-I: Charles, L.A. Amount: $750,000.
- Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Training. Funding Source (2019-2025): Texas Office of the Attorney General. PI: Mitchell, S.A. and Co-Is: Charles, L.A. & Ehlert, P. Amount: $1,500,000.
- Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner Training Education and Mentoring Support (SAFE TEaMS). Funding Source (2023-2028): Indian Health Service (IHS) Division of Nursing Services, Office of Clinical and Preventive Services. PI: Mitchell, S, Co-Is: Charles, L., Clements, P., St. Germain, D., & Bruce, C. Amount: $5,453,756.
- Southwest Rural Health Research Funding Source (2016-2024): Health Research and Services Administration Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. PDs: Ferdinand, A. & Bolin, J.N. Amount: $4,756,703.
- Strengthening Forensic Science Education and Opportunities. Funding Source (2023-2026): Department of Education. PI: Tarone, A., Co-PIs: Ugaz, V., Hamilton, J., Herman, T., Davis, D., Mitchell, S., Ware, M., & Swinford, A. Amount: $1,500,000.
- SUPRT: Students and Texas A&M University. Funding Source (2022-2026): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. PI: Wilson, K. Amount: $500,000.
- Telehealth Center for Sexual Assault Forensic Medical Examination (Center) Renewal. Funding Source (2019-2025): Texas Office of the Attorney PI: Mitchell, S.A. and Co-PIs: Charles, L.A., Downing, N.R. & Clark, H. Amount: $3,000,000.
- Texas A&M Nursing CARES: Cancer Addressed through Rural Engagement and Screening. Funding Source (2022-2023): The Discovery Foundation, PD: Vargas, S., Weston, C. and Co-I’s: Hare, M., O'Briant, D., Page, R., & Vargas, S. Amount: $75,000.
- Texas A&M University Integration of Telehealth in Regions Underserved for Student Training (TAMU iTRUST). Funding Source (2019-2023): Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. PIs: McCord, Weston, C. & Williams, M. Co-Is: Garney, W., Alonzo, J., & Williamson, B. Amount: $1,351,369.
- Texas A&M College of Nursing Mobile Care Access through Rural Engagement and Education (TXAN Mobile CARE). Funding Source (2022-2026): Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA). PI; Kroll, N. [Weston, C.] and Co-Is: Dormire, S., Rowe, G., Huang, A., Mitchell, S., Mufich, M., Pittman, Al, Sorenson, M., Van, S., Clark, H., & McCord, C. Amount: $4,000,000.
- Text-SAFE: Innovative Technology to Provide Follow-Up Care after Sexual Assault. Funding Source (2023-2024): Texas A&M Division of Research Advancing Discovery to Market (ADM). PIs: Downing, N. and Sasangohar, F. Amount: $98,975.
- Texas Teleforensic Remote Assistance Center (Tex-TRAC). Improving Care, Access and Quality of Sexual Assault Forensic Exams Using Funding Source (2019-2024): U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crimes (DOJ/OVC). PIs: Downing, N.R. & Mitchell, S.A. and Co-Is: Clark, H., Coté, G., Mulcahy, A., & McCord, R. Amount: $4,000,000.
- The Rural Community Matters Project. Funding Source (2020-2023): Department of Justice, Subaward through Friendship of Women. PIs: Montalvo-Liendo, N. Amount: $150,000.
- Training Community Health Workers (CHWs) for Rural Opioid Prevention and Treatment. Funding Source (2019-2024): Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, National Rural Health Association (NRHA). PIs: Bolin, N., Weston, C. and Co-Is: Pullium, C.L., & Clark, H. Amount: $528,052.
- Virtual Reality Collaboration for Training Healthcare Providers in Rurally Underserved Institutions. Funding Source (2023-2024): BlueCross BlueShield. PI: Maxa, T., Wells-Beede, E., Co-PIs: Seo, J & Lu, Z. Amount: $362,690.
BOLD = College of Nursing faculty
V = virtual presentation
* = Student co-authorship
Scholarly Citations
- Ajayi, K.*, Page, R., Montour, T., Garney, W. R., Wachira, E., & Adeyemi, L. (2023). We are suffering. Nothing is changing. Black mother's experiences, communication, and support in the neonatal intensive care unit in the United States: A qualitative study. Ethnicity & Health, 29(1): 77-99.
- Akinlotan, M.A., Ferdinand, A.O., Maxey, H.L., Bolin, J.N., & Morrisey, M.A. (2023). Dental hygienists’ scope of practice regulations and preventable non-traumatic dental emergency department visits: A cross-sectional study of 10 U.S. states. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 51, 274–282.
- Akinlotan, M., Khodakarami, N., Primm, K., Bolin, J., & Ferdinand, A. O. (2023). Travel for medical or dental care by race/ethnicity and rurality in the U.S.: Findings from the 2001, 2009 and 2017 National Household Travel Surveys. Preventive Medicine Reports, 35, doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2023.102297.
- Authement, R. S., Mundine, J., & Beatty, B. (2023). Comparison of specialty examination scores pre- and post-pandemic. Nursing, 53, 54–58.
- Authement, R.S., Wan, L., Gragg, K., & Assmann, B. (2023). Pre-practice boot camps to increase retention of new graduate nurses. Nursing, 53, 17–19.
- Bang, S. H., Huang, Y.-C. A., Kuo, H.-J., Cho, E., & Garcia, A. (2023). Health status and healthcare access of Southeast Asian refugees in the United States: An integrative review. Public Health Nursing, 40(2): 324-337.
- Bhattarai, M., & Smedema, S. M. (2023). Improving health of persons with disabilities living in poverty: A scoping review. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal, 12. doi: 10.52017/001c.37747.
- Bhattarai, M., Clements, P.T., & Downing, N.R. (2023). Mindfulness-based self-care for Forensic Nurses: A professional lifestyle approach. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 20(2): 138-147.
- Bhattarai, M., Matkin, K., & Smedema, S.M. (2023). Potential benefits of Mindfulness-based strength practice for individuals with disabilities in vocation rehabilitation settings. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal, 12(2).
- Bhattarai, M., McDaniels, B., Jin, Y., & Smedema, S. M. (2023). Pain and quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury: Mediating effects of mindfulness, self-efficacy, social support, and functional independence. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 80(2), 406-420.
- Bhattarai, M., Sherpa, P. D., & Limbu, S. (2023). A qualitative study of coping strategies in persons with spinal cord injury during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rehabilitation Psychology, 68, 25–31.
- Bhattarai, M., Shigemoto, Y., & Smedema, S. M. (2023). Role of self-efficacy on functional limitations among persons with spinal cord injury. Chronic Illness. doi.org/10.1177/174239532312037
- Bloom, R., Haynes-Lewis, H., Jiang, J., Kalnicki, S., & Garg, M. (2023). Income loss and limited resources: Financial stressors and work adjustments for individuals with cancer receiving radiation therapy at an urban academic cancer center. Oncology Nursing Forum, 50, E3–E3.
- Brandford, A., & Brandford-Stevenson, A. (n.d.). Going up!: Exploring the phenomenon of the glass escalator in nursing. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 45, 295–301.
- Brandford, A., Fernander, A., Rayens, M. K., & Mudd-Martin, G. (2023). Examining race-based discrimination, depression, and occupational stress in Black registered nurses. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 47(2): 126–135.
- Brandford, A., Williams, E. E., Han, G., Weston, C.G., & Downing, N.R. (2023). Adverse childhood experiences and adult cancer screening behavior. Oncology Nursing Forum, 50, 679–691.
- Brown, R., Plemmons, C., Abuatiq, A., Hultman, C., Currier, D., Schmit, M., Valborg, K., Walstrom, B., Horsley, L., & Mennenga, H. (2023). Evaluating knowledge of public health nursing competencies in baccalaureate nursing students. Nursing Education Perspectives, 44, 237–240.
- Callaghan, T., Kassabian, M., Johnson, N., Shrestha, A., Helduser, J., Horel, S., Bolin, J., Ferdinand, A.O. (2023). Rural healthy people 2030: New decade, new challenges. Preventive Medicine Reports, 33, 102176.
- Clements, P.T. (2023). Suburban and rural gang presence: Preempting violence in response to this shifting threat for hospitals. Journal of the Academy of Forensic Nursing, 1, 51–59.
- Diller, T., & Haddad, L. (2023). Cognitive preference and clinical experience: The relationship between student nurse anesthetists’ and certified registered nurse anesthetists’ thinking styles. AANA Journal.
- Downing, N.R., Avshman, E. E., Valentine, J. L., Johnson, L.M., & Chapa, H.H. (2023). Forensic nurses’ understanding of emergency contraception mechanisms: Implications for access to emergency contraception. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 19, 150–159.
- *Hollas, M.D. & Gary, J.C. (2023). Lessons learned from a research project to understand new nurses entering the profession amid a pandemic. Nursing 2023, 53(10), 53-54. doi: 10.1097/01.NURSE.0000977556.31117.67.
- Gary, J.C., Charles, L., & Mitchell, S. (2023). Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner education needs in Texas. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 19(4), 73-143.
- Gary, J. C., Charles, L., & Mitchell, S. (2023, March). Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Needs in Texas. Journal of Forensic Nursing. 19(4), E45-E52.
- Grant, M. J., Carter, K., Hoffman, M., Hubach, R. D., & Owens, C. (2023). Parent-reported HIV prevention communication topics with sexual and gender minority adolescents: A descriptive study. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 1–14.
- Greenwood, W., & Bishop, P. (2023). Self-Efficacy in the Clinical Nurse Specialist During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice, 37, 177–186.
- Harnois-Church, P. A., Horsley, L., Wilhoit, K. W., & Wei, H. (2023). Addressing the Nursing Shortage: The Voices of Nurses. Nurse Leader, 22(3), 317-321.
- Haynes-Lewis, H., Bloom, R.D., Jiang, J., Kalnicki, S., & Garg, M. (2023). Coping strategies and distress in ethnically diverse and economically disadvantaged patients with cancer receiving radiation therapy: A mixed methods study. Oncology Nursing Forum, 50, E3–E3.
- Huang, W., Page, R.L., Morris, T.M., Ayres, S., Ferdinand, A.O., & Sinha, S. (2023). Maternal exposure to SSRIs or SNRIs and the risk of congenital abnormalities in offspring: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One, 18, e0294996–e0294996.
- Gray-Miceli, D., Gray, K., Sorenson, M.R., & Holtzclaw, B. J (2023). Immunosenescence and infectious disease risk among aging adults: Management strategies for FNPs to identify those at greatest risk. Advances in Family Practice Nursing, 5, 27–40.
- Jin, Y., Bhattarai, M., Kuo, W.-C., & Bratzke, L. C. (2023). Relationship between resilience and self-care in people with chronic conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 32, 2041–2055.
- Jin, Y., Brown, R., Bhattarai, M., & Song, J. (2023). Urban-rural differences in associations among perceived stress, resilience and self-care in Chinese older adults with multiple chronic conditions. International Journal of Older People Nursing. doi: 10.1111/opn.12591
- Jin, Y., Brown, R., Bhattarai, M., Kuo, W.-C., & Chen, Y. (2023). Psychometric properties of the self-care of chronic illness inventory in Chinese older adults with multiple chronic conditions. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 18, e12536.
- Khodakarami, N., Akinlotan, M. A., Callaghan, T., Primm, K. M., Vadali, M., Bolin, J., & Ferdinand, A. O. (2023). Factors associated with hospitalizations for co-occurring HIV and opioid-related diagnoses: Evidence from the national inpatient sample, 2009-2017. Preventive Medicine Reports, 34, 102225.
- Kuebler, K., Monroe, T., Ricciardi, R., Westlake, C., Sorenson, M., Neft, M., … Henneman, E. (2023). Integration of palliative care in multiple chronic conditions consensus statement. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4856061.
- Kuo, H., Garcia, A., Huang, Y-C. A., Zuniga, J., Benner, A., Cuevas, H., … Hsu, C. (2023). Fatigue, its influencing factors, and diabetes self-management in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A structural equation modeling analysis. The Science of Diabetes Self-Management and Care, 49(6):438-448.
- Lu, Z., Wang, W., Florez-Arango, J. F., Seo, J. H., Hamilton, D. K., & Wells-Beede, E.R. (2023). A Framework to Develop an Immersive Virtual Reality Simulation Tool for Postpartum Hemorrhage Management Nurse Training. Nursing Education Perspective, 3, 189-191.
- Madhiri, E., Wang, H., Tedross, M., Vidal,V., Young, C.C., Martinez, D., Chen, W.J., Robbins-Furman, P., Page, R., Montalvo-Liendo, N., Chen, L.S. Benefits and concerns of expanded carrier screening: What do pregnant Latina women in Texas think? Journal of Community Genetics,14(6): 605-612.
- Mauldin, B.L. (2023). Bringing clinical context to the classroom in nursing pharmacology: A case study. Nursing Education Perspectives, 57–58.
- McKay, E., Mattheus, D., Garney, W. R., Wilson, K. L., & Fontenot, H. (2023). Development of youth‐centered health messaging posters for high school‐based health clinics in Hawaii. Journal of School Health, 94(3): 251-258.
- Mitchell, S.A., Seo, J., Charles, L.A., & Wells-Beede, E. (2023). Incorporating virtual reality simulation to conduct a sexual assault examination. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 34, 443–453.
- Miyamoto, S.S., & Downing, N.R. (2023). Leveraging telehealth to address sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) access disparities in rural communities. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 19, 231–239.
- Owens, C.R., Hoffman, M.F., Grant, M.J., Carter, K., & Hubach, R.D. (2023). The HIV Pre-exposure prophylaxis information-motivation-behavioral skills of parents of adolescent sexual minority males and transgender and gender diverse adolescents. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 20, 1653-1666.
- Owens, C.R., Stukenberg, J., Grant, M.J., & Hoffman, M.F. (2023). Primary care providers’ information needs for prescribing adolescents HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis. AIDS Education and Prevention, 35, 484–494.
- Owens, C., Brandenburg, D., Grant, M. J., Carter, K., Hoffman, M., & Hubach, R. D. (2023). Parental concerns of their sexual and gender minority adolescents using HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis. AIDS Education and Prevention, 35, 85–99.
- Owens, C., Carter, K., Grant, M. J., Hubach, R. D., & Hoffman, M. (2023). An exploratory study of the PrEP modality preferences among a convenience sample of parents of sexual and gender minority adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 73, 625–631.
- Owens, C., Currin, J. M., Hoffman, M., Grant, M. J., & Hubach, R. D. (2023). Implementation factors associated with primary care providers’ intention to prescribe HIV PrEP to adolescents in the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health, 73, 181–189.
- Owens, C., Gray, S. J., Carter, K., Hoffman, M., Mullen, C., & Hubach, R. D. (2023). Implementation facilitators and barriers for primary care providers prescribing daily oral PrEP to adolescents in the United States. AIDS Patient Care STDS, 37, 379–393.
- Rowe, G. (2023). Piloting a telehealth interprofessional diabetes clinic during Covid-19: Continuing patient care and student learning. Social Work in Health Care, 62(2-4):59-72.
- Speck, P.M., Ekroos, R.A., Faugno, D.K., Johnson, J.A., Sievers, V., & Mitchell, S.A. (2023). Self-collection following rape: An integrative literature review. Journal of the Academy of Forensic Nursing, 1(1), 18-41.
- St. Germain, D.L., & Batchen, M. V. (2023). A Case Study: Is this Elder Abuse? Journal of the Academy of Forensic Nursing, 1, 39–47.
- Taylor, H.B., Hughes, R.B., Gonzalez, D., Bhattarai, M., & Robinson-Whelen, S. (2023). Psychosocial Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on women with spinal cord injury. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, 6387. 20(14): 6387.
- Tedross, M., Wang, H., Heigl-Maza, C., Russell, R., Young, C., Kramer, J., Martinez, D., Chen, W., Robbins-Furman, P., Page, R., Montalvo-Liendo, N., Chen, L.S. (2023). Pregnant Latinas’ perspectives on pursuing expanded carrier screening: It is better to know than not. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 32(4): 887-895.
- Webb, E., & Stage McNulty, D. (2023). Beautifully Broken: Implementing a peer support program to help healthcare providers heal. Journal of Education and Practice, 13, 56–62.
- Wei, H., & Haddad, L. (2023). Organizational culture and roles in promoting nurse specialty certifications: A qualitative study in the United States. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 10(2): 189-198.
- Wei, H., Horsley, L., Cao, Y., Haddad, L.M., Hall, K. C., Robinson, R., … Anderson, D. G. (2023). Nurses’ perceived quality of care, job satisfaction, intent to leave, and work engagement: A national survey in the United States. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 10, 476–484.
- Wei, H., Yan, C., & Haddad, L. (2023). The associations among nurse work engagement, job satisfaction, quality of care, and intent to leave: A national survey in the United States. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 10(4): 476-484.
- Wells-Beede, E. R., Sharpnack, P., Gruben, D. A., Klenke-Borgmann, L., Goliat, L., & Yeager, C. (2023). A Scoping Review of Nurse Educator Competencies: Mind the Gap. Nurse Educator. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001376.
- Weston, C., Wells-Beede, E. R., Salazar, A., Poston, D., Brown, S., Hare, M.L., & Page, R.L. (2023). Patient-Centered Care Through Nurse Practitioner-Led Integrated Behavioral Health: A Case Study. Public Health Report, 138, 36S–41S.
- Wilson, K.L. (2023). Continuity of maternal and infant care through integrated health service delivery networks in Latin America: A systematic scoping review. Health Policy and Planning. 38(6): 766-776.
- Wilson, K. L., Axelson, S., Garney, W.R., Garcia, K., Sullentrop, K., & Esquivel, C.H. (2023). Addressing evaluation barriers with early innovation development for adolescent-focused sexual and reproductive health interventions. Prevention Science, 24(Suppl): 222-228.
- Wilson, K.L., Garney, W.R., Garcia, K.E., Esquivel, C.N., Flores, S.A., Ajayi, K.V., & Curran, L. (2023). The development of a systems-level approach to address adolescent access to healthcare—a novel confidential policy intervention. Family and Community Health, 38, 766–776.
- Winterberg, A.V., Landsman, K., Downing, N., Roddy, L., & Kennedy, R. (2023). Patient care device technology transformation: Nurses seek partners to achieve patient care excellence. Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 10(2): 12-21.
- Zuniga, J., Huang, Y-C.A., Bang, S.-H., Cuevas, H., Huston, T., Heitkemper, E., … Garcia, A. (2023). Revision and psychometric evaluation of the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire for People with Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Spectrum, 36(4): 345-353.
BOLD = College of Nursing faculty
V = virtual presentation
* = Student co-authorship
- Bolin, J, Vargas, S., Hare, M.L., & Page, R.L. (2023, September). Texas A&M NPs Care: Cancer Addressed through Rural Engagement. CPRIT 2023 Conference, Galveston, TX.
- Bhattarai, M. (2023, August). Keynote presentation: Strength-based approach in caring for people with chronic illnesses and disabilities. International Nursing Seminar 2023 on Transforming Nursing Future in Digital, Technology, Innovation and Collaboration for Nursing Education and Practice, Rajawali Health Institute, West Java, Indonesia.
- Bhattarai, M., & Matkin, K. (2023, June). Mindfulness-based strength practice for individuals with disabilities in vocational rehabilitation settings. Online presentation at 2023 QE National Symposium on Rehabilitation Counseling, WI.
- Bloom, R.D. (2023). Predictors of financial toxicity for cancer caregivers. Paper presented as part of the Financial Toxicity of Cancer Care: The Elephant in the Room continuing medical education event at Montefiore Einstein Cancer Center, Bronx, NY.
- Bolin, J.N. (2023, May). Financial and Public Health Benefits for Texas of Full Practice Authority for APRN’s. National Rural Health Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Calvo, K., Casenas, L., Gbanaglo, S., Van, S., and Marklund, L. (2023, July) Presentation, Aggie Campus Community Emergency Response Team (CERT): Why and How? Texas Health Occupation Association 2023, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Charles, L. A. (2023, June). Human trafficking. SON - MSN - Forensics orientation. Bryan, TX: Tarleton State University.
- Clements, P.T., & O’Neill, B.J. (2023, January). When a child is found dead: The role of the Forensic Nurse Death Investigator (FNDI) and psychosocial impact for parents. Global live webinar for the Academy of Forensic Nurses.
- Cole, S., Torabi, M. & Wilson, K.L. (2023, January). Making and Impact in Health Education: A Fundraising Perspective. 12th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, Cancun, Mexico.
- Dormire, S.L., Gary, J.C., & Norman, J. (2023, March). The Impact of Psychosocial Adversities and Stress on Pregnancy Outcomes for Black Women. Texas A&M University Women’s Research Symposium (Presenter).
- Downing, N. R. (2023, Decembrer). Understanding the mechanisms of emergency contraception and why it’s important. Adventist Healthcare Shady Grove Medical Center Forensic Medical Unit Staff Development Day.V
- Downing, N.R. (2023, September 12). Practice tip of the week: Universal trauma-informed care. Press and News: Nursing Practice, Texas Nurses Association https://www.texasnurses.org/news/651333/Practice-Tip--Universal-TraumaInformed-Care.htm
- Downing, N.R., Ward, K., Farbo, K., Rueda, V., & Modali, D. (2023, September). Panel presentation: Developing effective rural sexual assault response teams. [podium presentation]. International Conference on Forensic Nursing Science & Practice. International Association of Forensic Nurses, Phoenix, AZ.
- Downing, N.R. & Chapa, H. (2023, October 11). Understanding the mechanisms of emergency contraception and why it’s important. Center of Excellence in Forensic Nursing Webinar Wednesdays!V
- Downing, N.R. (2023, June). Trauma-informed care: Why it matters. Hawaii Telebehavioral Health ECHO.
- Downing, N. R. (2023, May). Sexual assault exams and understanding injuries. Tarrant County, Texas, Capital Death Penalty Seminar, Fort Worth, TX.
- Downing, N.R. (2023, September). Nurse-engineer partnerships to promote optimal patient outcomes. American Nurses Association Innovation Lounge.V
- Downing, N.R., & Chapa, H. (2023, March). Understanding the mechanisms of emergency contraception and why it’s important. Academy of Forensic Nursing Regional Conference, Round Rock, TX.
- Downing, N.R., Chapa, H., Avshman, E., & Valentine, J.A. (2023, September). Myth busters! How emergency contraception works and implications for SANE practice. International Conference on Forensic Nursing Science & Practice. International Association of Forensic Nurses, Phoenix, AZ.
- Downing, N.R., Clark, H. R., Zemanek, K., Ward, K., & Mitchell. S.A. (2023, March). Clinician acceptance of a statewide telehealth sexual assault nurse examiner program. American Telehealth Association, San Antonio, TX.
- Downing, N.R., Scafide, K. N., & Williams, J. P. (2023, February). An introduction to the new NIST OSAC Forensic Nursing Subcommittee. American Academy of Forensic Sciences 75th Anniversary Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Garney, W., Wilson, K., Fontenot, H., Mattheus, D., McCord, C., Sopchak, K. & Khanhkham, A. (2023, July) Using Telehealth Technology to Increase Access to School Based Mental Health Services. An oral presentation at the American School Health Association, Minneapolis, MN.
- Garney, W.R. & Wilson, K.L. (2023, January). New approaches to increase adolescent access to healthcare services. 12th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, Cancun, Mexico.
- Garney, W.R., Wilson, K.L., Garcia, K., Curran, L., Esquivel, C.N., & Holden, C.B. (2023, November). Increasing adolescent birth control prescriptions and STI testing in primary care clinics using Total Teen. Oral Presentation at the American Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting and Expo, Atlanta, GA.
- Gary, J.C. (2023, March). Intersection between Intimate Partner Violence and Substance Use Disorder. Invited Podium Presentation. Association of Forensic Nursing Texas Conference. Contemporary Issues in Forensic Nursing, Round Rock, TX.
- Gary, J.C., Mitchell, S.A., & Page, R.L. (2023, November). Knowledge gaps for maternal services providers related to substance use disorder and intimate partner violence. Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) 47th Biennial Convention. San Antonio, TX.
- Haddad, L., Stephens, T., & Wei, H. (2023, October). Academic leadership in Nursing: Evidence and recommendations. Tennessee Nurses Association Annual Conference.
- Holden, C., Wilson, K.L., Garney, W.R., Esquivel, C., Khanhkham, A., & Flores, S.A. (2023, November). Increasing youth autonomy within healthcare using activate teen. Roundtable Presentation at the American Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting and Expo. Atlanta, GA.
- Janson, A, Gary, J.C., & Mitchell, S.A. (2023, November). Building a community of Practice for novice and advanced forensic nurses: Fostering knowledge exchange and professional growth. Academy of Forensic Nursing (AFN) Advancing the Global Practice of Forensic Nursing. V
- *Kim, E. J., *Tillman, L., Bogue, R.J., & Downing, N.R. (2023, March). Electronic propinquity and texted health information following sexual assault. Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Larsen, M., Mitchell, S.A., Snerley, T., & Wells, W. (2023, May). Panel Discussion: Look at what we did with our broadband. Broadband Communities Summit 2023, The Woodlands, TX.
- Marklund, L. & Van, S. & Mufich, M. (2023, March). Collaborative all-hazard disaster preparedness training. Disaster primer 2023, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX.
- McKee, S. J., & Maxa, T. (2023, July). State and Local Conference/Organization Presentations: Nursing trends, challenges, and updates: How to help your students navigate the changes. Presented at the Texas Health Occupations Association Annual Conference, College Station, TX.
- Mitchell, S., Jackson, T., Rodriguez, J., Bell, K., Sievers, V., & Faugno, D. (2023, April). Forensic nurse case review. End Violence Against Women International, Chicago, IL.
- Mitchell, S.A. (2023. April). Keynote address-Forensic nursing: Past, present & future. The Step-Up Extravaganza: An Interprofessional SANE Conference, Memphis, TN.
- Moffitt, C. F. (2023, October). Trial outside the courtroom: A simulation to promote excellence. Texas Conference on Student Success, College Station, TX.
- Mulcahy, A. & Gary, J. (2023, July). Building Nurse Scholars: The Creation of a BSN Honors Program. Podium Presentation. Nurse Educators Conference in the Rockies: Reaching New Heights Through Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion, Breckenridge, CO.
- Mulcahy, A. & Gary, J.C. (2023, November) Growing Nurse Scholars: Building a BSN Honors Program. Podium Presentation. 47th Biennial Convention for Sigma Theta Tau International, San Antonio, TX.
- Nydia, G., Walter, P., Downing, N., Maxa, T.N., & Page, R.L. (2023, March). Leveraging Innovative Technology to Improve Maternal & Child Health Outcomes. Southern Nursing Research Society. Orlando, FL: SNRS.
- Page, R.L. & Pittman, A. (2023, April). Maternal child health in Texas: A continuing crisis. Webinar presentation for Texas Research-to-Policy Collaboration Project.V
- Rodriguez, R., Rose, G., Weston, C., Cordero, E., & Page, R.L. (2023, March). A virtual home visiting intervention for women at risk for severe maternal morbidity and mortality. Southern Nursing Research Society, Orlando, FL.
- *Rugh, H. J., Dormire, S. L., Gary, J.C. & Norman, J. (2023, November) Failing to Close the Gap: Health Disparities Among Black Rural Mothers. Podium Presentation. 47th Biennial Convention for Sigma Theta Tau International, San Antonio, TX.
- Rutledge, M., Martinez, M., and Marklund, L. (2023, July) Investigating innovative methods to combat antibiotic overuse. Texas Health Occupation Association 2023, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Speck, P.M. & Mitchell, S.A. (2023, March). Human Labor Trafficking of Migrant Nurses. Academy of Forensic Nurses Regional Conference, Round Rock, TX.
- Speck, P.M., Mitchell, S.A., Berishaj, K., Dowdell, E.B., Patch, M., & St. Germain, D.L. (2023, February). The Forensic Nursing Certification Board process and outcomes ensuring validation of generalist and advanced forensic nurse certification. American Academy of Forensic Science, Orlando, FL.
- Speck, P.M., Mitchell, S.A., Berishaj, K., Dowdell, E.B., Patch, M., & St. Germain, D.L. (2023, February). Aligning forensic nurse core competencies and content using Delphi and qualitative methods. American Academy of Forensic Science, Orlando, FL.
- *Tillman, L., Gary, J.C., Page, R. & Mitchell, S. (2023, November) Knowledge Gaps for Maternal Services Providers Related to Substance Use Disorder and Intimate Partner Violence. Podium Presentation. 47th Biennial Convention for Sigma Theta Tau International, San Antonio, TX.
- Bolin, J, Vargas, S., Hare, M.L., & Page, R.L. (2023, September). Texas A&M NPs Care: Cancer Addressed through Rural Engagement. CPRIT 2023 Conference, Galveston, TX.
- Thai, L., Seo, H. J., Weston, C., Mitchell, S., & Wells-Beede, E. (2023, May). VR Simulation in Nursing. 2023 Transformational Teaching & Learning Conference. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Van, S., & McKee, S.J. (2023, May). Using technology and simulated experiences to prepare students for careers as professionals. Transformational Teaching and Learning Conference, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
- Van, S., Mulcahy, A., *LaRue, C., *Garrett, C., Thai, L., & Wells-Beede, E. (2023, June) Analysis of faculty confidence in BSN graduates’ preparedness of AACN Essential core competencies and QCC-C/PHN competencies at the Texas A&M University School of Nursing. Podium Presentation. Association of Community Health Nursing Educators (ACHNE) & Association of Public Health Nurses (APHN) 2023 Joint Conference. San Diego, CA.
- Vela, C., & Mauldin, B. (2023, May). Texas A&M University Transformational Teaching and Learning Conference Promoting role identity of a developing nursing professional through an innovative competency evaluation [Assessing Learning Presentation]. Transformational Teaching and Learning Conference, College Station, TX.
- Wake, AR, & Haddad, L. (2023, October). School nurses and the sexual health & education of students in Tennessee public schools. Tennessee Nurses Association Annual Conference.
- Wells-Beede, E., Mitchell, S., Diaz, D., Guido-Sanz, F, & Anderson, M. (2023, January). Panel Presentation, Extended reality: Scenarios to SDOH and DEI. International Meeting on Simulation in Health Care, Orlando, FL.
- Mitchell, S., Charles, L, & Wells-Beede, E. (2023, January). Virtual reality to bridge the gaps in forensic nursing. International Meeting on Simulation in Health Care, Orlando, FL.
- Wells-Beede, E., Mulcahy, A., Pittman, A., Moffitt, C., Han, G., Thai, L., & Seo, J. H. (2023, June). Increasing nursing access across population with technology in simulation (INPACTS): Pediatric virtual reality simulation. Podium Presentation. International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) 2023 Conference, Providence, RI.
- Wells-Beede, E., Mulcahy, A., Pittman, A., Moffitt, C., Seo, J. H., & Thai, L. (2023, May) Pediatric VR simulation for the management of DKA in the school setting. Podium Presentation. International Pediatric Simulation Society (IPSS) IPSSW 2023 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Wells-Beede, E., Mulcahy, A., Seo, J.H., Han, G., Van, S., Thai, L. (2023). Increasing nursing access across population with technology in simulation (INPACTS). International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 2024 Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Wells-Beede, E., Seo, J.H., Weston, C., Mitchell, S.A., Thai, L. (2023, November). Virtual reality simulation in nursing. International Conference of Education, Research, and Innovation 2023, Seville, Spain.
- Weston, C.G. (2023, April). Nurse Practitioners CARE: Cancer addressed through rural engagement. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
- Weston, C.G., OBriant, D.L., Hare, M.L., Page, R.L., Vargas, S., & Bolin, J.L. (2023, April). Nurse Practitioners CARE: Cancer Addressed through rural engagement. Rural & underserved populations. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) 49th Annual Conference: Momentum and Sustainability in Advancing NP Education, Orlando, FL.
- Weston, C.G., Wells-Beede, E.R., & Page, R.L. (2023, June). Implementation of Nurse Practitioner-led integrated behavioral health clinics. American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Weston, C.G., Wells-Beede, E.R., & Page, R.L. (2023, March). Barriers, challenges and successes of nurse practitioner-led integrated behavioral health clinics. Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS) 37th Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Weston, C. G., Wells-Beede, E. R., Seo, J., Mitchell, S. A., Diaz, D., & Anderson, M. (n.d.). Wells-Beede, E., Anderson, M., Diaz, D., Weston, C., & Mitchell, S. (January 24, 2023). Adapting simulation scenarios to SDOH and DEI in extended reality. IMSH 2023. Orlando, FL: Society for Simulation in Healthcare.
- Wells-Beede, E., Anderson, M., Diaz, D., Weston, C., & Mitchell, S. (2023, January). Adapting simulation scenarios to SDOH and DEI in extended reality. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 2023, Society for Simulation in Healthcare, Orlando, FL.
- Weston, C.G., Wells-Beede, E.R., Seo, J., Page, R.L., & Lacaze, D. (2023, June). What is the impact of a VR Simulation pilot with Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Students? International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL), Providence, RI.
- Wilson, K.L. (2023, January). Keynote Presentation: Period poverty and equity: How might we change the cycle. Oral Keynote session presented at the 12th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, Cancun, Mexico.
- York, F., Esquivel, C., Wilson, K., & Garney, W. (2023, October). Engaging community stakeholders through co-design. Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) Health Education Advocacy Summit, Washington, DC.
- Zuniga, J., Huang, Y-C., Bang, S.H*., Cuevas, H., Hutson, T., Heitkemper, E., Cho, E*., & Garcia, A. (2023). Revision of the diabetes knowledge questionnaire. Southern Nursing Research Society, Orlando, FL.
BOLD = College of Nursing faculty
V = virtual presentation
* = Student co-authorship
Poster Presentations
- *Williams, E., Brandford, A., Downing, N., & Weston, C. (2023, May). Adverse childhood experiences and cancer prevention and screening. American Society for Cervical Cancer Prevention, Houston, TX.
- Authement, R. (2023, April). Strategies to address diverse communication needs in the online setting. National Nurse Educator Summit, San Antonio, TX.
- Bloom, R. D., Brandford, A., Malatok, S., Rangel, L., Gonzales, E., Bolin, J. & Becker, H. (2023). Addressing cancer survivorship needs through lay patient navigation: Developing education for Texas community health workers (CHWs). Innovations in Cancer Prevention and Research Conference, Galveston, TX.
- Bloom, R.D., Haynes-Lewis, H., Jiang, J., Garg, M. & Kalnicki, S. (2023). Income loss and limited resources: Financial stressors and work adjustments for individuals with cancer receiving radiation therapy at an urban academic cancer center. The Oncology Nursing Society 48th Annual Congress, San Antonio, TX.
- *Cantrell, K., & Hoffman, M. (2023). Trauma-informed care and reducing birth trauma on labor and delivery. Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) 2023 Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
- Casenas, L.S., Arrington, G., Van, S. & Marklund, L. (2023, March). Aggie community Emergency Response Team (CERT): Why & how. Disaster primer 2023, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX.
- Chapa, H., & Maxa, T. (2023, September). A Model for interprofessional, multi-situational, high intensity simulations of obstetrical and neonatal emergencies involving residents and nursing students. National League for Nursing Education Summit, National Harbor, MD.
- Clark, H., Myint, W.W., Downing, N., Ward, K., Zemanek, K., & Mitchell, S. A. (2023, November). Confidence and intention to use TEX-TRAC services and technology: Analyses of sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) pre-and post- assessments. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, GA.
- Clark, H., Myint, W.W., Downing, N., Ward, K., Zemanek, K., & Mitchell, S.A. (2023, November). Frontline clinicians’ knowledge of trauma-informed language (TIL) and non-trauma-informed-language (NTIL). American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, GA.
- Downing, N.R., Clark, H.R., Zemanek, K., Ward, K., & Mitchell. S.A. (2023, March). Clinician acceptance of a statewide telehealth sexual assault nurse examiner program. American Telehealth Association, San Antonio, TX.
- Garcia, K., Vera, S., Garney, W.R., Wilson, K.L., Khanhkham, A., Flores, S. & Curran, L. (November, 2023). Qualitative insights into an innovative, clinic-based adolescent health program. American Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting and Expo, Atlanta, GA.
- Haynes-Lewis, H., Bloom, R.D., Jiang, J., Kalnicki, S. & Garg, M. (2023). Coping strategies and distress in ethnically diverse and economically disadvantaged patients with cancer receiving radiation therapy: A mixed methods study. Oncology Nursing Society 48th Annual Congress, San Antonio, TX.
- Huang, Y-C. & Bhattarai, M. (2023). Impact of social and emotional support on serious psychological distress among people with functional disability and type 2 diabetes. Southern Nursing Research Society, Orlando, FL.
- Huang, Y-C., Zuniga, J., Garcia, A. (2023). Numeracy and diabetes knowledge among people with type 2 diabetes. American Public Health Association, Atlanta, GA.
- Huang, Y-C., Zuniga, J., Garcia, A. (2023). Oral health knowledge and risk of periodontitis in diabetes management self-efficacy among people with type 2 diabetes. International Council of Nurses annual meeting.
- Vela, C. & Moffitt, C. (2023, October). Reverse engineering case studies: Student as active designer/learner. Texas A&M University Texas Conference on Student Success, College Station, TX.
- Moffitt, C. F. (2023, July). Thinking like a nurse in 5-4-3-2-1. Nurse Educator Conference in the Rockies, Breckenridge, CO.
- Montreal, Canada. Zuniga, J., Huang, Y-C., & Garcia, A. (2023). Factors associated with diabetes knowledge among people with type 2 diabetes. International Council of Nurses annual meeting, Canada.
- Mulcahy, A., Wells-Beede, E., & Thai, L. (2023, July). Analysis of faculty confidence in BSN graduate’s public health competencies. 32nd Annual Nurse Educator’s Conference. Breckenridge, CO.
- Myint, W. W., Clark, H., Downing, N., Ward, K., Zemanek, K., & Mitchell, S. A. (2023, November). Perceptions of needed guidance among rural hospital clinicians participating in an expert SANE guided telehealth medical forensic exam program in Texas. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, GA.
- Myint, W.W., Downing, N., Ward, K., Zemanek, K., & Mitchell, S. A. (2023, November). Trauma-informed patient-centered care: Reflection from the hospital sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) and expert forensic nurse. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, GA.
- Spears, B. & Bhattarai, M. (2023). Prevalence of COVID-19 and posttraumatic stress symptoms among PVAMU & TAMU students. Research & Innovation (R&I) Week: Faculty Research Day, Prairie View A&M University.
- Wells-Beede, E., Thai, L., Mulcahy, A., Seo, J.H., Van, S., & Han, G. (2023, March) Increasing nursing access across populations with technology in simulation (INPACTS). 2023 National League for Nursing (NLN) Nursing Education Research Conference (NERC). Washington, DC.
- Wilson, K.L. & Garney, W.R. (2023, September). Total Teen: A telehealth technology providing connected care to increase adolescent access to services. National Reproductive Health Conference.V
BOLD = College of Nursing faculty
V = virtual presentation
* = Student co-authorship
Books and Chapters
- Bolin, J.N., Weston, C., Sanaullah S.F., Noureldin, A.A.K., Obeidat, R., & Page, R. Preventive care for rural populations and providers: Routine screenings, prenatal Care, and oral health. Chapter 8. In: Ferdinand, A.O., Bolin, J.N., Callaghan, T., Rochford, H.I., Lockman, A., Johnson, N.Y., eds. Rural Healthy People 2030. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University School of Public Health, Southwest Rural Health Research Center.
- Bloom, R. D., Bolin, J. L., Brandford, A., Callaghan, T., Fahrenwald, N.L., *Mullens, S. & Wong, B. (2023). Disparities and opportunities across the cancer continuum in rural America. In Rural Healthy People 2030. College Station TX: Texas A&M University School of Public Health, Southwest Rural Health Research Center.
- Bloom, R.D. (2023). Infection related cancers. In Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing (pp. 153–166). Pittsburgh, PA: Oncology Nursing Society.
- Brandford, A., *Falia, G., Fahrenwald, N., Clark, H., Bolin, J.N., *Rigsby, M. & *Kolade, F. An examination of the workforce in rural America. Chapter 15. In: Ferdinand, A.O., Bolin, J.N., Callaghan, T., Rochford, H.I., Lockman, A., Johnson, NY, eds. Rural Healthy People 2030. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University School of Public Health, Southwest Rural Health Research Center.
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BOLD = College of Nursing faculty
V = virtual presentation
* = Student co-authorship